Photography: Elderly Asylum Seekers

I met this elderly Indian couple through friends at Royal Trading and I found their story to be particularly poignant.

Their son, who I believe was in his early twenties, was working in the Japanese car exporting business but was unfortunately killed in a car accident here in Japan. Before his untimely death he had converted to Islam on the advice of local Pakistani friends. For reasons I’m still not completely sure of (due to the language barrier – they don’t speak English or Japanese and I don’t speak any South Asian languages) they chose to covert to Islam too. As a result, they received numerous threats and intimidation from their local community in India and eventually decided to flee to Japan for their safety and so that they could be closer to their son’s grave.

Kiran has diabetes and high blood pressure so he tries to walk two hours a day, one hour in the morning around seven o’clock and then again in the early evening. They both rely on a small allowance form the Japanese government and donations from the local South Asian community and mosque to help cover the cost of their healthcare and rent.

The majority of asylum seekers I’ve met so far have been in their twenties or thirties so it’s going to be interesting to follow their story. This project is part of my In Limbo in Japan project that can be found on my website.

つい最近、Royal Tradingの知り合いをとうして、難民申請中のインド人老夫婦に出会いました。彼らの話はとても感動的でした。



今まで会った難民申請中の方々が20代・30代が多いから今回この老夫婦にとても興味を持っています。自分の難民申請中の写真プロジェクト「In Limbo in Japan」はホームページで見れます。

Using my iPhone to communicate in English and Hindi.
Making chai in the kitchen
Thinking about his lost son

3 responses to “Photography: Elderly Asylum Seekers”

  1. 私は今、国外に住んでいますが日本における難民の状況にとても興味を持っています。シェアリングありがとうございます。


    1. どこに住んでいますか。そちらの難民の状況はどうでしょう?


  2. すいません。お返事のコメントを返したものと思っていたんですが、なにか不具合があったのかも。私はインドネシアのアチェに住んでいます。インドネシアは難民条約に批准していませんが、かなりの難民の人々がいます。インドネシアを通り、オーストラリアなどを目指す途中で捕まってしまったり、またボートが転覆し救助されたのち、ディテンションセンターへ送られています。


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